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    Uw ultimate warriors this a army who will defend we don't like to lose but we have to learn to lose . we are the army who has the strength and you can make it more powerful. Please help us and make us stronger you mess with us you die
  • About Pro ninja1

    Iam pro ninja1 the leader of uw i have a lot of experience like in uma , acp , rpf , nachos , and more on we i have been in armies for 7 months and now my turn to rule an army and make it major army you can help me do that . We dont belive in defeat we belive in victory but yes you have to learn to win and learn to lose . you mess with us you die ~leader of uw pro ninja1
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Merge Contest

Ok If someone deletes this post I am gonna be very very pissed off. Ok we are having a contest for the new name. Whoever wins gets to be the designer of the site and gets to have special privliges. The name for the short one (example ACP) has to be 3 letters.

The reason we are doing this is because RCPA who merged with us want to and have given me good reasons.


Hi guys site has been changed cause we have done lots of merge so we have to change the site its almost like a law ok now our site is http://www.frozenwarriorsarmy.wordpress.com we are fwa cause we have merged a lot so cya there all of uy will be there and all tht will be done when ur there

Hello Uw

Hello Uw i am youg3 aka youg I am the leader of UDCP and pro has agreed to merge with us so i am Merge leader i think tahts like the same rank as leader idk… anyway i will posting abotu every two or 1 days so yea look on the poo i mean site lol Ps: it doesnt mean this site sucks pro

Pros edit : will thz youg for the merge and here are the promos they are out + all the ranks are there of the mergees we did so far

Leaders: Pro ninja1 ,

co leaders: dog lover91 , k rue

Head general :

commander general :

Merge leader : Youg3 , rex5556,  abolzer1 , 77row
_________-owner line_____________

General : punchy50, Mattwhmsh1 , Micewendio

Lt general : Teddy259 , Green anole2 , Ocho cinco88 , batintrenche , Lsund

major general : Yanksrule14 , Nothingbut , rbol
____________mod line_________

brigadier general : , sugarxxxxx , Pink teddyz , pink girl 1114 , wec will , anthoney1996 , acp warrior , bottlefander , smoogerz127 , jdjd235

colonel: ,mindiyana , axevolution , bart1879 , rocknroll63 , leoblue33 , bonez , ninja4778 , cp ghost , the dog437 , bloblu1 , latshaqune30 , braycool45 , marchothppe , john16126 , dan01536 , saiymancx , snowbomb545 ,

lt colonel : , xrayax , ninja shawdo , smit111 , divoteooo , nate9500000 , chapa23 , sil vo , fabby201 , heatblast381, Aero master , Lilox485 , mwc45 , rca123456, cycle22 , flarry jerry , miss frog4, jetrob , jmob23 , trman635 , hallow42628

major : Packer nfl1 , sora273 , voldie12 , harro100 , espen rox , leoblue333 , adav, omega39 , mallgirl75 , hi hi bye , johnny , mkitia , glmul , 4996 dexter , showeringgirl , vetsed , penguin7073561 , kingblackeye ,

captian : jeleviser , black boyd47 , foleytan , vidge , paminlite , faraiguage1 , 1212cody , karateboy , trickster , hero1295 , vidnan coolful , low rider , seaniebkk , kj bulldog1 , momo1357 , lime013 , wojona12 , bonez15404 , punnkid59 , puckley , amigo1581 , pacers77

lieunant: , yennep , monster moo , blueguy32 , ablozer123 , spiff313 , king b boy , bonezer15404 , seancastle , froogle , guszzz1 , 44gdog44 , sara , pooface98 ,magoo98 , josh10 , kyzcool , tatien31 , coolguy12348 ,twiggy 55 ,

warrent officer: swark , ak4adud3 , jim456 , shivertoe2 , zzztops , jackfrost375 , icebird1997 , nunzo1 , jediset , jwentwort , snail77 , spongebam , tateka95 , jd112, hidude45 , stev71 , hond887 , phillydog21 , tiller242 , dragonninja0 , 77bret , nicole445 , mr fedi1 , bizoo1, the dog_437 , jam158 ,

sergeant: corple jon,cinnabon1221 , starwars55 , s2654mme , emeul , nicj4545667 , 11mememe , lolzzz667 , bradyrule2 , santa man7 , flipyy55 , mann528 , mintmint1 , ninja12345 , ickee , dj lazie

corpal:brad 448 , bartbo27 , mauler50 , odga900 , halo friek , black icer , postywillow , waldo blue 9 ,

Head programmer : Micewindo

Party time and about promos

Hi guys pro here the promos are out you can see them in the rank page + rcpa and nmofcp has mered with us so thier rank is also there and also we have one more merge to do which will make us pass 100 troops and also dont miss the party

Server : Southern light

Place : Iceberg we will be moving

Time : 3:00 est , 12:00 pst time

Everyone is invited remember it is ultimate warriors and littlerockyr party together we will surley record

~cya there and the polls are closing tonight vote plz


Leaders: Pro ninja1 , rex5556, abolzer1

co leaders: dog lover91 , k rue

Head general :

commander general : youg3
_________-owner line_____________

General : punchy50, Mattwhmsh1 , Micewendio

Lt general : Teddy259 , Green anole2 , Ocho cinco88 , batintrenche , Lsund

major general : Yanksrule14 , Nothingbut
____________mod line_________

brigadier general : , sugarxxxxx , Pink teddyz , pink girl 1114 , wec will

colonel: ,mindiyana , axevolution , bart1879 , rocknroll63 , leoblue33 , bonez , ninja4778 , cp ghost , the dog437 , bloblu1 , latshaqune30

lt colonel : , xrayax , ninja shawdo , smit111 , divoteooo , nate9500000 , chapa23 , sil vo , fabby201 , heatblast381, Aero master , Lilox485 , mwc45 , rca123456, cycle22 , flarry jerry , miss frog4, jetrob

major : Packer nfl1 , sora273 , voldie12 , harro100 , espen rox , leoblue333 , adav, omega39 , mallgirl75 , hi hi bye , johnny , mkitia , glmul , 4996 dexter , showeringgirl , vetsed , penguin7073561 , kingblackeye ,

captian : jeleviser , black boyd47 , foleytan , vidge , paminlite , faraiguage1 , 1212cody , karateboy , trickster , hero1295 , vidnan coolful , low rider , seaniebkk , kj bulldog1 , momo1357 , lime013 , wojona12 , bonez15404 , punnkid59 , puckley , amigo1581 , pacers77

lieunant: , yennep , monster moo , blueguy32 , ablozer123 , spiff313 , king b boy , bonezer15404 , seancastle , froogle , guszzz1 , 44gdog44 , sara , pooface98 ,magoo98 , josh10 , kyzcool , tatien31 , coolguy12348 ,twiggy 55 ,

warrent officer: swark , ak4adud3 , jim456 , shivertoe2 , zzztops , jackfrost375 , icebird1997 , nunzo1 , jediset , jwentwort , snail77 , spongebam , tateka95 , jd112, hidude45 , stev71 , hond887 , phillydog21 , tiller242 , dragonninja0 , 77bret , nicole445 , mr fedi1 , bizoo1, the dog_437 , jam158 ,

sergeant: corple jon,cinnabon1221 , starwars55 , s2654mme , emeul , nicj4545667 , 11mememe , lolzzz667 , bradyrule2 , santa man7 , flipyy55 , mann528 , mintmint1 , ninja12345 , ickee , dj lazie

corpal:brad 448 , bartbo27 , mauler50 , odga900 , halo friek , black icer , postywillow , waldo blue 9 ,

Head programmer : Micewindo

Finnaly the polls are here

Pros edit : Will guys all of you have been saying tht we are dead right?

will let do a pratice after the party tommrow or something simmilar iam going to add rcpa ranks here and look for good merges guys we need more merges + Iam doing the promos

The polls are here finnaly at last will here are 2 same pics


Uw flag(1)


Uw flag

Mice had made one but didnt gave me so here is the poll

And here is our party invitation for all of you

Dont misss it

A lot to talk

First thing happy our month second thing you get a a hat in light house 3rd thing armies are saying we have gone down like cpeq or golds and mm will i according to be i agree with the cpeq or gold but not with mm cause mm has 27 troops so i would recomend them not to talk cause we have 67 troops almost going to reach to 80 in this merge so we can pwnz them so mm stay outta this i dc if u merge . here is a invite to our party today its a vid tho

we are doing this party with littlerockyr one of my best buddies and get this army back up the polls are going to be out in few hours so e ready to vote u still have time to submit your flags

Our month

Hi guys pro here will this is our month Medieval party from may 8 – 17 will i will try to post what item we will be getting tomorrow cause it is Ultimate warriors month and also if there is something good tomorrow then there will be change of color and change of uniforms  and in another news on Saturday i will be on the whole day so guys plz get the hits till 3,o00 if we reach we doing a grand party if we not we will still do a party for uw month and also for now we  only have 2 flags will i think there will be a competition in those same 2 flags if you want your flag to be here plz give us the link or direct link to the flag not html code and also polls will be out tomorrow and will be closed on Saturday or Sunday will Medieval party coming and we are doing our party we will have more surprises this party a lot and some contest also so watch out.

Until then Leader of ultimate warriors Pro ninja1


Pros edit : we only have 2 flags for the poll right now plz keep on giving your flags now cause iam going to realse the poll tommrow and announce the flag winner on saturday

Hi guys sorry i didnt put a place for you guys to leave a comment for flag contest

If you want to make a flag for uw plz leave a comment like this

answering these questions

1. Whats your rank ?

2. Your penguin name?

3 The link to the flag

and also ice shelf is the golds so now i pced one of the gold leader they have agreed so they will share a server with me called mukluk plz see the nation page cause we taking some of spanish and french servers.

Pro is back

Pros edit : Hi guys pro here cpm has declared a war on us and i have accepted it we wont lose either and also if we win we get wool socks i will declare the timming not cpm

Hi guys pro is back no one can stop me from doing anything now i want al my troops back our chat is http://www.xat.com/wecon cya there we are the best remember and no merge

All listen

All authors are back the rank page is back swimmy was trying to hack us but i had the rank page saved in my desktop so this noob wont do anything to me guys get back to work now